20 Books for The Students to Read During Their College!

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Students in their twenties are frequently overwhelmed by the pressures of assignments and projects; with this in mind, PCPS is presenting several books to help students navigate their twenties during college. The following is a list of twenty books that may be of assistance to them:

Book for Students
Who Will Cry When You Die? – Robin Sharma

Who Will Cry When You Die? assists you in leaving a legacy of greatness after your death by providing precise recommendations on how to become the best version of yourself and the sort that inspires people to be grateful for all your achievements to their lives and the planet.

Book for Students
The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a classic novel in which a young boy named Santiago embarks on a quest to find treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it. Along the way, he meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true value of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what matters most in life.

Book for StudentsMindset – Dr. Carol S. Dweck

Mindset illustrates the distinction between a fixed and a growth mindset, why one is superior to the other, and how to adopt the correct one.

Book for StudentsDo Epic Shit – Ankur Warikoo

Do Epic Shit is a book written by Ankur Warikoo in which he discusses his life’s failures and accomplishments. He also reflects on the lessons he has learned the hard way in order to prepare us for similar scenarios. This book contains useful lessons that students can apply to their life.

Book for StudentsThe Psychology of Money – Morgan Housel

The Psychology of Money delves into how money moves within an economy, how personal biases and the emotional aspect influence our financial decisions, and how to think more rationally and make sound financial judgments.

Book for StudentsIkigai – Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles

Ikigai shows how having a purpose, eating healthily, and not retiring can help you live a longer and better life.

Book for StudentsEgo Is the Enemy – Ryan Holiday

Ego Is The Enemy demonstrates how a hardwired inclination in our minds — the assumption that the universe revolves around ourselves and us alone – prevents us from living the life we crave, what we can do to resist it at every opportunity, and how to attain true greatness.

Book for StudentsThe Almanack of Naval Ravikant – Eric Jorgenson

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant collects the invaluable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to accumulate riches and long-term happiness by honing a few fundamental talents and uncovering the secrets of living a happy life.

Book for StudentsHow Will You Measure Your Life? – Clayton M. Christensen

How Will You Measure Your Life teaches you how to maintain motivation at work and in life in order to spend your time on earth joyfully and fulfilled, by focusing on family, relationships, and personal well-being in addition to money and career.

Book for StudentsThe Law of Human Nature – Robert Greene

The Laws Of Human Nature teaches you why people behave the way they do and how you can use your own and others’ psychological weaknesses to your advantage in business, in relationships, and in life.

Book for StudentsThe 5 AM Club – Robin Sharma

The 5 AM Club assists you with waking up at 5 a.m. each morning, developing a morning routine, and scheduling time for self-improvement necessary for success.

Book for StudentsAtomic Habits – James Clear

Atomic Habits is the ultimate guide on changing bad habits and adopting new ones in four simple steps, demonstrating how modest, incremental changes in daily routines compound over time to create tremendous, positive change.

Book for StudentsTuesdays With Morrie – Mitch Albom

After more than 15 years, a young guy reconnects with his old university mentor. Regrettably, Morrie, his mentor, is progressively succumbing to a terrible degenerative condition. Rather than succumbing to self-pity, Morrie chooses to use the time he has remaining to come to terms with his mortality. This memoir shares his view on life from the unique vantage point of someone on the verge of death.

Book for StudentsThe Big Questions of Life – Om Swami

Suffering is a choice; pain is unavoidable. While the loss is inescapable, sadness is not. Death is a given. And what about life? To be sure, life is not certain. Its ambiguity, volatility, and even irrationality define it. Frequently, we run blindly into the fire, walk on snakes, and become trapped in snares – these are the fires of desire, the snakes of attachment, and the snares of envy and covetousness. While we are bitten, burned, or injured, we refer to it as suffering and believe it is a part of life, when in fact, we are confusing our pain for our suffering.

Book for Students Do It Today – Darius Foroux

We all have times when we want to escape from work that is repetitious, tiresome, new, or difficult but necessary to accomplish our goals. Darius has provided numerous pointers to keep us on track in this book!

Book for StudentsHow to Become a People Magnet – Marc Reklau

Marc Reklau, international bestselling author and personal development expert, shares the keys of successful interpersonal connections in How to Become a People Magnet. You will learn precise ideas in this practical and clear guide that will assist you in developing more powerful relationships, and stronger connections, and leaving a great, lasting impact on everyone with whom you come into contact.

Book for StudentsThe Compound Effect – Darren Hardy

The Compound Effect will demonstrate why drastic, abrupt changes rarely succeed and how you may transform your life over time through the power of modest, daily steps, a routine that creates momentum, and the confidence to push past your limits when they present themselves.

Book for StudentsWhen All is Not Well – Om Swami

While depression is not as visible as a cardiac condition, it can be just as severe. According to author Om Swami, depression is not simply sadness; it is also emptiness, agony, suffering, and nothingness all at the same time. Depression is also one of the most heinous diseases. You’ve become accustomed to feeling unpleasant to the point that happiness feels foreign. Om Swami offers some straightforward remedies to a problem that affects millions worldwide.

Book for StudentsMeditations – Marcus Aurelius

Meditations teach how to develop greater self-discipline, let go of what others think, and weather life’s emotional storms. Marcus Aurelius was a prominent Stoic philosopher and a powerful Roman emperor. All these thoughts were jotted down in a private notebook he kept for himself.

Book for StudentsDeep Work – Cal Newport

Deep Work argues that we have lost our ability to focus deeply and immerse ourselves in difficult work, and demonstrates how to reclaim this ability through four simple guidelines.


Here listed are 20 books that have been helping students on managing their college and their work life later on.

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