Method of Payments

1. Bank Direct Deposit / Cheque / Transfer
  • Account Holder Name: Patan College For Professional Studies
  • Sunrise Bank: 00210341325018
  • Nabil Bank: 3601017500342
  • Global IME Bank: 0101010007557
2. Mobile Wallet
  • ESewa: Search PCPS College, Lalitpur and pay
  • Khalti: Search PCPS College, Lalitpur and pay
3. Cash Payment
  • Cash payment may be made in cash during office hours at the designated counter only.
4. Cheques
  • Cheques can be deposited at the designated counter during office hours. All cheques must be made payable to Patan College for Professional Studies Pvt. Ltd.

Fee Refund Policy

Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Security deposit made by students will not be liable to be returned if a student discontinues his/her academic pursuit before the course completion. For students successfully completing the course, the security deposit amount will be returned at the end of the course.

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